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Florida D.E.P.

In 1998 ROH was awarded a competitively earned contract with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to develop a Document Management System for their Finance and Accounting (F&A) division. ROH was awarded the contract based on our 30-year corporate history, reputation for outstanding client service and our DMS solution. The ROH DMS solution was selected due to its integrated product suite, reasonable cost, and inherent scalability to meet both existing and future requirements. The goal of the State was to implement a DMS solution that significantly increased the process efficiency in the filing and retrieval of voucher documents; make documents available on demand; maintain system integrity, while significantly reducing the State's manpower requirements.

"The amount of paperwork was just overwhelming," recalled Kayren McIntyre, Program Administrator of the division. "There were about 2 million pages of paperwork each year, and it was very expensive to store, retrieve and re-file all that information. Not to mention the time delays that resulted from waiting for someone to go pull the file and from having to mail a paper copy."

ROH developed a system integration model and a system acceptance plan to meet the State's requirements Voucher retrieval has been reduced from several days to mere seconds while lost or misfiled documents have been eliminated.

"The document management system ROH designed for us is extremely robust and very scaleable. And it's easy to use. It's so intuitive that we don't even use a real manual. Whenever we do need assistance, they [ROH] provide excellent support and immediate responses. They have been a great company to work with, and we really like the product."

--Kayren McIntyre
Program Administrator, Department of Environmental Protection
Finance and Accounting Division

According to the F&A division, the first year ROI was 110%.

Follow-on Efforts: The best measure of client satisfaction may well be when a client chooses the same company for follow-on efforts. The success of the initial installation and repeatability of the solution, led the state of Florida to expand the ROH DMS solutions to include the Contracts Division, Personnel Division, Purchasing Division, Waste Management Division, Bureau of Petroleum Storage Systems, the Department of Juvenile Justice and Department of Revenue. Today ROH and the State of Florida have established a statewide contract for DMS services.

"The first point that I would emphasize is that they have excellent customer service. They really do go out of their way to make the system a success. They've been an excellent company to work with and we really like the product, and we're very happy with the product we have. The second thing, the second point, is their excellent, excellent support and response. You don't get that just anywhere."

-- Abby Dunn
Database Administrator, Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Petroleum Storage Systems

Contracts Division: ROH implemented a DMS solution that provided the Contracts Division with the ability to retrieve, view, modify, annotate, print or fax any portion of a contract without having to physically retrieve and disassemble/reassemble the original document. Contract review time can now be measured in hours rather than days.

Personnel Division: ROH implemented a DMS solution that provided the Personnel Division the ability to quickly review the entire contents of an employee record or to retrieve specific documents contained in the employee record, while adhering to a stringent set of security requirements due to the confidential nature of the records.

Purchasing Division: ROH has provided a DMS solution for the Purchasing Division that automatically captures, indexes and inserts into the DMS, Purchase Orders as they are created in a Legacy Mainframe application. Additionally, manually indexing of scanned support documents has been minimized by automatically populating the indexes based on the P.O. number.

Bureau of Petroleum Storage Systems: BPSS is responsible for tracking and monitoring all activity concerning petroleum storage, spills, and cleanup in the state of Florida. BPSS produces in excess of 2 million pages of printed documentation annually. ROH has provided a DMS solution that provides almost instantaneously access to the 13 million pages (950,000 records).

Division of Waste Management: ROH has provided a DMS solution for the Division of Waste Management that employs electronic document management and automated workflow technology to compliment their existing systems.

Department of Juvenile Justice: ROH has provided a DMS solution for the Finance and Accounting Division of DJJ. DJJ capitalized on the solution repeatability as their system is virtually identical to the DEP Finance and Accounting DMS solution.

Department of Revenue: ROH has provided a DMS solution for the Finance and Accounting Division of DOR. DOR has also taken advantage of the solution repeatability as their system is almost a mirror image of the DEP and DJJ Finance and Accounting solutions.