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ROH, Incorporated is firmly convinced that our employees provided with the proper tools, training, and motivation are the most effective means of building quality into each and every one of our products. ROH President, Project Manager, and Task Leaders must constantly emphasize to all project team members the importance of furnishing services of the highest quality for our customers. As part of our corporate responsibility to the our Seaport-e clients, we will provide appropriate training, supervision, and recognition for project team members that reinforces the company motto "People Committed To Quality Service".

ROH quality assurance processes and procedures to ensure that our professional services provided to the our Seaport clients meet all contractual requirements by:

  • Continuous evaluations for technical and functional adequacy and compliance with contractual requirements.
  • Periodic consultations with client representatives to determine that the services being provided will in fact meet the customer's needs.
  • Frequent and comprehensive sampling of in-process and completed work products while conducting quality assessments of accuracy, adequacy, and suitability for the intended purpose.

The following quality assurance functions and responsibilities will be utilized to review and supervise the implementation of services solutions under this contract.

ROH's President, Mr. Bruce Rosenblatt. In addition to overall responsibility for the company's quality assurance policy, processes, and procedures, Mr. Rosenblatt shall conduct random spot checks for quality of in-process products and personally review selected deliverables before submission to the our customers for acceptance.

ROH's Project Manager. In view of his direct reporting responsibility to ROH's President for the final quality of each of the project team's products, the Project Manager:

  • Review each related deliverable, purchase specification, and other related document to determine quality assurance requirements.
  • Conduct liaison with the Contract Office Representative and his/her designated representatives to resolve any ambiguities regarding the quality required.
  • Delegate work to individual project task leaders based on their proven ability to achieve the requisite quality in all respects.
  • Determine quality assurance checkpoints during product development, upon recommendations from assigned task leaders.
  • Provide general direction and guidance to the task leaders while monitoring task progression and achievement of quality assurance requirements.
  • Inspect, test, and approve each product for conformance with contract specifications and client needs before delivery.

Assigned Project Task Leaders. Directly responsible to ROH's Project Manager for development and delivery of products and services of appropriate quality, each task leader shall:

  • Formulate and submit specific quality assurance procedures and checkpoints to the Project Manager for approval.
  • Designate individual project team members to perform assigned tasking, along with related quality assurance checks.
  • Monitor task performance, deliverable preparation, and accomplishment of quality assurance requirements.
  • Conduct technical and quality reviews and tests at appropriate in-process intervals and upon completion of the product or service, immediately before submission to the Project Manager.
  • Maintain liaison with cognizant client representatives and implement any required remedial action.

Assigned Project Team Members. Since the viability of ROH as a provider of Professional Services depends upon maintaining our reputation for high quality, each project team member shall:

  • Use all available resources, including reference material, technical documentation, knowledgeable sources, and other expertise to assure the adequacy, accuracy, proper testing, and appropriate quality of products, deliverables, and services.
  • Inform and, as necessary, request assistance from management and supervisory personnel whenever quality or other issues are encountered.
  • Strive to put forth the best personal effort possible, regardless of the complexity or significance of the task.

  • Subcontractor Quality Assurance. Any subcontractor shall be selected only after satisfactory demonstration that the subcontractor adheres to the same high ROH standards of quality assurance.
  • Innovative Quality Leadership. ROH subscribes to the philosophy that, regardless of position or seniority, each team member has valuable experience and ideas to share, especially when quality assurance is involved. Accordingly, the President shall meet frequently with the Project Manager, Task Leaders, and project team members to address ways to enhance the quality and other aspects of our services.
  • Productivity Enhancement. ROH believes that our continued existence as a business entity in large part is dependent upon our ability to increase employee productivity. Thus, the Project Manager and Task Leaders shall encourage each project team member to continually provide suggestions at the earliest opportunity for enhancing our productivity while providing services for our Seaport-e clients.
  • Cost Reduction. Another company credo is that ROH must continuously reduce our relative cost of operations to compete effectively in the marketplace In this regard, all project team members shall strive to incorporate the latest technology and other efficiencies into our solutions.
  • Potential Problems. ROH has found that a proactive approach to minimizing the potential for problems to occur significantly reduces the number of actual problems. Hence, all project team members shall immediately surface any potential quality or other issues for resolution at the appropriate ROH management level.
  • Customer Relations. Client satisfaction is paramount in the professional services industry to which ROH belongs. The Project Manager and Task Leaders shall frequently emphasize in staff meetings and other forums that, regardless of quality, our services are not complete unless our Seaport clients are fully satisfied.
  • Urgent Requirements. ROH fully recognize the importance of satisfying urgent client requirements. Thus, the President, the Project Manager, and Project Task Leaders shall routinely accommodate our client requirements for services by adjusting other ROH priorities, by shifting internal work assignments, and by adding temporary employees or subcontracting if necessary.
  • Multiple Tasks. Concurrent performance of multiple tasks for multiple organizations is the every day routine at ROH. We successfully accomplish such assignments through close coordination with our clients, supervisory personnel, and other employees. When performing services for our Seaport clients, the Project Manager shall ensure that the Task Leaders execute such tasks in the same high quality fashion as, and without negative impact to, existing tasks.
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